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Discovering the Nudibranch!

Gooooood morning divers!

Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon


Reticulated Nudibranch
Reticulated Nudibranch


The word nudibranch is derived from the Latin noun nudus, meaning naked. It refers to an animal that has shed its shell, which is called a veliger.

The veliger (baby) stage lasts about a month before it transforms into an adult animal.

Nudibranchs take many shapes and colors depending on their species and location, but most of them are small creatures that live in shallow waters near shorelines or coral reefs, where they can be found hiding under rocks or logs at low depths during the day.

These animals have no teeth and their soft bodies allow them to move around easily without being harmed by predators like fish or crabs.

Pikachu Nudibranch
Pikachu Nudibranch


Nudibranchs in general.

Nudibranchs are the most colourful underwater creatures. They are usually not toxic and they can be found in all oceans, including the Great Barrier Reef. Nudibranchs have been known to eat sponges, but their diet also includes other sea life like jelly fish and coral!

Nudibranch is a marine gastropod mollusc. Nudibranchs are also known as sea slugs, although they do not have true slug-like bodies. They are soft bodied and their shell is completely lost after their larval stage, which makes them very difficult to identify at first glance.

Nudibranchs can be found in all oceans of the world, except Antarctica. There are over 3,000 species of nudibranchs worldwide, with the majority being in warm tropical waters.

Nudibranchs are characterized by their coloration and unique shapes. Some species have bright colors while others resemble more common animals such as jellyfish or sea slugs with no shells (some even look like regular slugs).

They have long antennae which help them sense vibrations from predators below on land or near-shore currents where they live at depths between 50 meters (160 feet) below sea level up to 300 meters (984 feet) in water depths exceeding 20 meters (66 feet), depending on region.


Kubaryana Nudibranch
Kubaryana Nudibranch


The colour of nudibranch.

Nudibranchs are a colourful bunch. Their skin is covered in bright colors, which they use to camouflage themselves when hiding/protecting themselves from predators or for signaling potential mates.

Nudibranchs also change the color of their skin as they grow, so that their body remains camouflaged even if it grows larger or smaller. In fact, some nudibranchs can be up to 5 inches long!

The importance of color for mating is obvious: if you want your partner’s attention, try wearing something colorful!

You might also want to take note: many species will only mate with someone who has a matching pattern on their tentacles (the part sticking out from under the mantle).




Habitat of nudibranch

Nudibranchs live in all oceans, seas and waterways around the world. They can be found in shallow or deep waters. Nudibranchs are most often seen on rocks, coral reefs and sandy bottoms but they may also be observed on other hard surfaces such as wood, rope or plexiglass if they have access to these sites.


Willan's Chromodoris
Willan's Chromodoris


Anatomy of a nudibranch

Nudibranchs are marine gastropods (a type of mollusk) that have a soft body and lack an internal shell.

The nudibranch has a simple head and lacks eyes, ears or antennae. They also lack gills or any other external organs for respiration.

The slug body is made up of two segments: the foot or “abdomen” and the slug head/cephalon which contains several structures including eyes, mouthparts (particularly maxillae), tentacles (hypostome), anus and nervous system (central ganglia).

The digestive tract begins at the mouth opening on one side of its head; there are no teeth in this area but instead there are projections called papillae that help trap food particles in their mouths when they feed.

Kuni's Chromodoris
Kuni's Chromodoris

Defense mechanisms of nudibranch.

Nudibranchs are some of the most colorful creatures in the ocean, but they have another trick up their sleeves: they can use their coloration to scare off predators and distract them. Some nudibranchs even have toxic substances in their bodies that are meant to deter predators from attacking or eating them.

Some nudibranchs also have special defense mechanisms for keeping away from predators.

Some of these defense mechanisms include venomous spines on their skin (like those found on certain species of sea slug); bitter-tasting mucus secreted by glands located inside the mouth; or even scent glands which release chemicals into water around them when threatened by an enemy like an octopus or sea lion!




What's next?

The next blog will be from Thailand! This was on my bucket-list for a while now and I have some amazing stories to share, coming soon!.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, any questions or tips can be sent to, and remember:

"If you can breathe, you can dive"

Banana Nudibranch
Banana Nudibranch

Willan's Chromodoris
Willan's Chromodoris


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